Saturday, January 31, 2009

HTC's Footprints app making tracks to other devices

Look ma, users at XDA-Developers are up to shenanigans again, and this time NFSFAN has posted up a new version of his Windows Mobile 6.1 ROM with some of HTC Touch Cruise's (Iolite) magic in it. The list of goodies added -- this is still Beta -- is long, but high on the list are Footprints, HTC's geotagging app, and some TouchFlo2D. So if you're an HTC Vogue user on Sprint, Alltel, Verizon, Bell, or Telus, get to it (but make sure to stay safe by reading, reading, and reading!) and do let us know how it turns out for you.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

HTC's CDMA devices invited to Windows Mobile 6.5 cookout

The doors are blowing wide open in the world of Windows Mobile 6.5 tweaking with today's celebration centering around HTC's CDMA sets. This is all still a work in progress, as finishing touches like the new UI aren't in yet, but PPCGeeks conflipper has hope that with work they'll get that sorted. The list of good and bad is long, so follow the read link to learn everything you need to know on getting your Touch, Touch Pro, or what have you up and running with Microsoft's sparkliest new mobile OS.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

HTC's G2 "Sapphire 2.0" caught slumming in the wilds

Well, well, lookie here... HTC's G2 followup to the original Android phone getting a good man-handling in the wild. Expected in May, the images were leaked without specs or any real details. Still, it's clearly the G2 / Sapphire 2.0 handset with 3.2 megapixel camera leaked just a few weeks back along-side the rest of HTC's 2009 models. Hey, you didn't need that physical keyboard anyway, right?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sprint's HTC Touch Diamond firmware update leaks, definitely brings joy

It seems that early '09 has been the time of firmware updates for all kinds, and now Sprint's Touch Diamond has had its moment. At a quick glance, this isn't just a few bug fixes to keep the squeaky wheels smiling, but rather some major reworking of what's going on under the hood. Changes are rumored to include Internet Explorer 6 --and we thought they weren't going to do this -- new Radio, Opera, YouTube, and a pile of other treats. If you're inspired and can't wait for the inevitable, we're sure with some diligent searching you'll get your mitts on, for the rest of you, we're sure it'll pop up soon enough.

Monday, January 19, 2009

HTC has high hopes, expects double-digit growth in '09

HTC had a comfortable year in 2008, thanks to a pretty solid lineup of sets, and, of course, the T-Mobile G1 launch in October. While competitors like Sony Ericsson struggle, Peter Chou, HTC's president predicts that while things will be a bit tough in the short term, he's still confident of double-digit growth this year. With whispers of some more HTC "Android-ness" at Mobile World Congress this year, we expect they're bound to be getting a lot of press, and a lot more interest from people looking for a Windows Mobile alternative. HTC's revenues were up 28.65 percent this year, and with hints of what's to come, if we were betting types, we'd side with Peter.

Monday, January 12, 2009

HTC's Iolite poses for new picture and gets specced

Nice to see the Iolite getting a little more play, and thanks to, a little more real. The specs we've heard apparently have the Iolite packing Windows Mobile 6.1 Pro, 512 MB and 288 MB RAM and ROM, UMTS / HSDPA, quad-band GSM / EDGE, GPS, Bluetooth, and WiFi. If you take a peek at the front of the device you'll see a button with a small footprint on one side and a letter A on the other which will most likely hook into its GPS system in some way. We should get a pile more information by the time Mobile World Congress rolls around in mid-February.

  • htc S743 hands-on

HTC S743 hands-on

HTC's S743 was launched a few days ago and we had a quick minute to catch up and get a few poses before being run down by other screaming htc fans. This set, as previously mentioned, is the twin of HTC's S740 but eschews European frequencies for US-friendly 850 / 1900. Not much more to say, enjoy the pics.

HTC Iolite gets pictured, actually pretty blah

If you took a Touch Diamond and put it one of those tumblers you had when you were a kid that you use to polish cool-looking rocks you found in your backyard, you'd probably get something like this. The Iolite -- not "Lolite" as we'd previously thought -- appears to rip the Touch Diamond's basic form factor from this tiny lil' image that's been leaked on Expansys, but steps down to a WQVGA display from VGA. On the upside, Europeans still get their 7.2Mbps HSDPA fix, TouchFLO 3D and AGPS make it through unscathed, and the 3.2-megapixel cam carries over. No official announcement on this one, but seeing how the radio is Euro-focused, we'd expect it at MWC next month.

  • htc 's 2009 haul seemingly leaked, packs all sorts of gorgeous
  • T-Mobile getting htc Rhodium as the Wing II, Sapphire as the G2?

HTC's 2009 haul seemingly leaked, packs all sorts of gorgeous

It's no secret that HTC wants to step up its Android game, and if this new stuff is to be believed, 2009's shaping up to be a banner year. Some cat over on PPCGeeks seems to have leaked a pretty believable '09 roadmap for HTC, showing tons of glorious hardware that appears -- at least on the surface -- to go toe-to-toe with the best Palm, Apple, and the rest of the gang can bring to the table. AT&T, Verizon, and Sprint all have dedicated stuff in here, including a "Jasper" that looks to combine the Touch HD with the Touch Pro, a successor to the monster Athena called "Ihoth," and this little guy, a garishly pink Android handset dubbed "Hero." We'd expect at least some of these to be announced at MWC next month, so we don't have long to wait -- assuming they're real, of course.

T-Mobile getting HTC Rhodium as the Wing II, Sapphire as the G2?

T-Mobile USA has a pretty solid relationship with HTC, considering it sells the Shadow, the Wing, and the G1 at the moment -- and seeing how the G1's doing a nice little spot of business for them, it stand to reason that they'd be looking to continue the good times through '09. We're hearing from TmoNews that one htc devices leaked today -- the Sapphire -- is the G2, while another source is telling us that the Rhodium is the Wing II, giving T-Mob solid, high-end Windows Mobile and Android devices alike in the new year. The original Wing is older than your grandmother (bless her heart), and as for the G1... well, let's be honest, these guys can take as much Android gear as HTC will give 'em right now. Bring it, fellas.

How would you change HTC's Touch Diamond / Pro?

HTC's Touch Diamond and QWERTY-packin' Touch Pro have run into some stiff competition here in the US of A, but as Adam Smith would certify, all that competition is only for the best. Now that you've seen what these two can do, not to mention their rivals, we're wondering how you would change whichever handset it is (of these two, obviously) that you own. Implement a Touch HD-style display? Load it up with Android? Round those edges a bit more? Add a bigger battery at the expense of style? Say it loud, say it proud, say it down in comments below.

  • htc believes Cupcake will come to the T-Mobile G1

HTC believes Cupcake will come to the T-Mobile G1

We've already seen it go down unofficially, but we've received word from HTC today that Android's coveted "Cupcake" branch of updates and fixes -- or at least a majority of it -- will likely be making it to the G1 in the future as a legitimate over-the-air push. HTC isn't involved in deciding what updates get pushed to the G1 or when, but given the update cadence so far and the G1's support for Cupcake's capabilities, the company believes that it's just a matter of time before T-Mobile makes it happen. The timing is still a big question -- HTC's more or less out of the loop on the schedule, and it's up to Google and T-Mobile to figure out how it's going to play out. We'll keep you updated as we find out more!
Update: We pressed HTC spokespeople to give us a little more to go on, but got the standard "we can't comment on rumors or speculation" line. T-Mobile, Google, your move -- you've got plenty of folks waiting. A belated Festivus gift, perhaps?